Title: RUYAC Short Story Award (RSSA)

Award Organizer: Rural Youths in Action (RUYAC)

Website: www.ruyac.org

Award Rationale: Writing is a  communication skill which is very crucial for the labour market. Youths need to be skillful in writing in order to increase their odds of being employed. The award is intended to bring out the writing abilities in youths and trigger them to improve on this skill which is relevant for the labour market.

Submission Deadline: October 25, 2023

Entry Fee: FREE

Prizes: 50,000 FCFA for each winner 

Eligibility: Cameroonian aged between 15 -35 years 

Word Limits: Between 2000 – 5000

Topic/Theme: Any topic of interest to the applicant 

Submission Guidelines: A single submission in both PDF and Word format. Writing should either be in English or French. 

Application meduim: ruralyouthsinaction@ruyac.org 

Announcement of Results: Early May, 2024